Global: 852
J1(3)x: Heff Zip Zap
J2(3)ll: Zap Heff Zip
No magic, here.
Juggle together
Videos, notation and explanations of passing patterns.
Global: 75666
J1(3)x: Pass Self Self Zap Self
J2(3)ll: Zap Self Pass Self Self
J1 does crossing zaps – so he does strainght single passes! J2 does straight zaps, so he does crossing single passes.
This pattern was a part of the “Improving your zaps” workshop by Brook & Nicki. It is quite easy but more fun than 5 zaps 1-count…
The zap is magic. Unfortunately we took only super beautiful red clubs to the beach, though.
James and Cameron taught a very nice 7 club “righty lefty” passing workshop at Berlin convention 2018. I especially enjoyed their way of marking the starting juggler with a crown in their pattern notation.