A small error in crossing wankle engine led to this beauty:
A (and A’) stays a “lazy” feeder forever while B, C and M change roles and hands continuously.
Super Lazy 966-About
The “Lazy” way to Siteswap-Abouts is a great adaptation to jugglers who can’t or won’t run around.
966-About with 5 jugglers is about as lazy as you can get!
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6-handed: aa799
6-handed siteswaps - aa799 is another one that is not very easy but quite nice
We managed to juggle this one at aichtal Drop GmbH Convention even though Juli was organizing - we first hated it, then it started working and we got round to kind of liking it.
The Chipmunk Series
Play Video Preparation Chipmunk (1 ball) Play Video Extended Chipmunk (2 balls) Play Video ChipPunk Play Video Golfing Chipmunk (4 balls) Play Video Dancing Chipmunk (2 balls or bottles)
Ambled Feedie Wechsel Dich
“Feedy wechsel dich” is a Scrambled V variation that was invented due to a leg injury. Now that we were developing “lazy” patterns for jugglers who won’t or can’t walk, we improved on it – by adding a club.
Lazy 567-About
The “Lazy” way to Siteswap-Abouts is a great adaptation to jugglers who can’t or won’t run around.
567-About is nice and easy even without a lazy juggler – and it’s still nice and easy with a lazy juggler!!!
Lazy 96677-About
The “Lazy” way to Siteswap-Abouts is a great adaptation to jugglers who can’t or won’t run around.
And here’s for you, finally an easy siteswap to do the lazy way! As the 9 is being carried, the Runners only do 2-count and then have lots (zip-zip-zip) of time to to the carry.