Five count popcorn about it a three person manipulator pattern based on, umm, five count popcorn! This pattern was first juggled by Lukas, Adrian and Cameron at EJC 2022 and then forgotten about for over a year.
Videos, notation and explanations of passing patterns.
Fallen Angels
Fallen Angels is a manipulator pattern where the manipulator is doing left handed Champi and the jugglers are juggling a three count vs pass pass self walking feed.
It was first juggled at the 2024 BJC by Jon, Ed, Katie and Cameron. The base pattern was figured out by Katie, Ed and Cameron.
Phoenician Quickstep
Phoenician Quickstep is a variation on Phoenician Waltz with an extra club! This pattern was first juggled by Helene, Adrian and Cameron at BJC 2024
Grosses Chaos
Just a period 9 siteswap with 7 clubs. What seems to be a quite ordered siteswap when you look at the global notation becomes really chaotic when remembering what you have to do – welcome to the Great Chaos 🙂
The Chipmunk Series
Play Video Preparation Chipmunk (1 ball) Play Video Extended Chipmunk (2 balls) Play Video ChipPunk Play Video Golfing Chipmunk (4 balls) Play Video Dancing Chipmunk (2 balls or bottles)
Mini-scrambleds is a family of 6 manipulation patterns founded by jugglers in Enschede in 2022. They are related to the scrambled series by Aiden Burns.
You can find a notation and explanation in a more theoretical and more practical version. The theory is fun but by no means required to be able to juggle the pattern.
List of the 6 Mini-Scrambled Patterns:
cA iA (donkey)
cC iB (back-up)
cB iC (tosti / swiss knife)
iA cC (sunny side up)
iB cB (ebay)
iC cA (mini V)
The Mini-scrambleds are a result of the experiment to simplify the scrambleds. Whether they actually are easier is debatable but at least they are shorter.
As the scrambleds, the mini-scrambleds are based on a 2-count vs 4-count feed with rotating positions. Opposing to the scrambleds it consists of only two passes before it repeats again (A-B and A-C).
The manipulation consists of a carry and in intercept. Since there are only 2 beats in the mini-scrambleds the substitute that you would find in a scrambled is left out.
Since we can chose the position of the intercept (A,B or C) and it’s beat (1 or 2) there are 6 possible variations for the mini-scrambled. (As with the scrambled the position of the carry is dependent on the intercept.)
The actual juggling:
All mini-scrambleds are 10-club, 4-person patterns with 3 passers and one manipulator.
The manipulation pattern has 8 beats (only the throws from the right hand are counted, so actually 16 throws) until it repeats again. That means you only have to remember 8 steps. Those you can see in the table underneath or in the videos. The shirts of the jugglers is colorcoded, so you can follow the notation easier. Red always starts on position A, blue on B, green on C, and yellow as manipulator.
P: Pass – the color refers to the Juggler the pass goes to
s: Self
c: Carry, this club is brought instead of thrown
pelf: A pass-self that is thrown to the manipulator without spin
-: only catching
-(i): only catching/receiving – This is the intercept
Göttinger Opernball
Göttinger Opernball is a variation on Phoenician Waltz with 2 extra manipulators! This pattern is invented in Göttingen.
Chippy-Zippy is a combination of two existing patterns. Zippy (invented by Dr. Ed) and Chippy (the Zippy variation with a chop). Because both manipulators manipulate on their own beats it works pretty good together. The base pattern, a 9 club PPS runaround stays the same as in Zippy and Chippy.
Ambled Feedie Wechsel Dich
“Feedy wechsel dich” is a Scrambled V variation that was invented due to a leg injury. Now that we were developing “lazy” patterns for jugglers who won’t or can’t walk, we improved on it – by adding a club.
Killer Bunny About
In every manipulation pattern, an intercept must always be followed by a carry. Or… must it?
Killer Bunny About is a lab-grown pattern that was designed specifically to answer this question that had baffled passing nerds for centuries. If you want to know the answer, go ahead and juggle the pattern (or simply watch the video). The answer might surprise you!