We were looking for a pattern for 5 jugglers without much running and as little manipulation as possible. Well, we managed! Ambled Mini V on socks is a very chill “on socks”.
Videos, notation and explanations of passing patterns.
Cold Shoulder
Cold Shoulder is a new pattern that copies the manipulation of the regular roundabout into a three count base pattern. After a bit of fooling around with different styles of manipulation we came up with a version that doesn’t have zips, therefore contains a magic club that is never thrown – the perfect attribute to make it a beer passing pattern, or in our case an ice cream passing pattern.
We Will Rock You
A very short pattern that we accidentally created at the EJC 2024 while trying to create Ambled Mini Scrambleds, but we ended up arriving at something entirely different.
Ambled Mini V (iC cA)
Ambled Mini V is the first pattern to add an extra club to Wiebke’s Mini Scrambled family of patterns, specifically to Mini V (#6). Since it is shorter than a “full” Ambled pattern and has an easier feeding sequence, we might start recommending Mini Ambleds to people who want to start learning manipulation patterns with double passes.
Similar to how there exist more than 27 Ambled patterns, there should also be more than 6 “Mini Ambleds”. Does anyone want to find them all? 🙂
Ambled Feedie Wechsel Dich
“Feedy wechsel dich” is a Scrambled V variation that was invented due to a leg injury. Now that we were developing “lazy” patterns for jugglers who won’t or can’t walk, we improved on it – by adding a club.
Ambled Vegemite Toast
Does anyone really like vegemite toast? I only like the ambled version with zero calories!
966-about-on-socks is a 4-person passing pattern with 9 clubs, where every juggler should be able to pass 7 clubs in 3-count with double passes.
Ambled Postmen
Finally, the post has arrived!
Initially, we tried several ways of hand-delivering the carried club to B, but then decided that the timing is a little too tight. Instead, we opted for air-mail, which gives the manipulator just enough time to turn and catch the chop from A.
Clean your Clubs!
Playing around with the “Ice Cream Factory” that is “Ivy” on “V”, we noticed a “magic club” that is never thrown. Usually that means we´ll get the beer out, soon… Well, there being a pandemic on the go, we decided to not break all rules and drink from a single bottle but to rather clean our clubs before handing them to the next person. Enjoy!