At the end of every year the PassOut community comes together to share our love of passing and to celebrate the New Year.
This year our home for the week was Dreiskau-Muckern, specifically the Ökologisches Landwirtschaftsschulheim. Over 90 people attended and our busiest day was the 29th of December, when all 75 beds in the house were full. The rooms were all named after animal's homes. I was in the hedgehog nest 🦔 When we arrived we were all given a Pass-a-Match card with 10 patterns on. Every pair of people had exactly one pattern in common so you had a suggestion of what to pass together. What a great idea!
Along with the usual activities of club passing, talking about club passing, sleeping and eating there was also a dedicated aerial area this year which I saw lots of people enjoying.
There was also a lot of ring passing going on - I think there might have even been a world record broken during passout! Overall we had a lovely time and are very grateful to the organisers - Uwe, Kathi, Markus, Christoph and Evl.
Thanks also to anyone who ran a workshop, gave a theory talk, helped keep the house clean and tidy, read out and organised the workshops, helped make the New Year's celebrations special or did any of the many things which make passout such a special place.
I'm always grateful for how many amazing people we have in the PassOut community who are willing to give their time to make PassOut a great event!

Thanks to all the wokshop teachers.
Without you, PassOut wouldn´t be half as awesome!
Thanks to Toto, who coordinated the workshops at dinner.Thanks to Juli who provided the workshop boards, cards and poster making equipment as well as making the passing zone website so we can share all our workshop resources!
Juli also wrote an excellent summary of the Krelingen passout which I
This year there were lots of theory talks in the theory slot 4pm-5pm
There was also a good number of four-handed siteswap workshops
There were even Hebrew, Aerial and Zombie combat workshops!
And of course lots of manipulator pattern workshops! Both on exciting new patterns and revisiting some classic patterns.
- Orbits in manipulator patterns Lukas demonstrated some awesome software which can find orbits in takeout patterns e.g. magic clubs and "beer clubs". The software is currently only available on Lukas's localhost, but I'm looking forward to using it soonTM
- Adding clubs to manipulator patterns Cameron talked about different ways to add clubs to manipulator patterns and showed some clips of patterns with clubs added to them
- Patterns for three and four jugglers Tilman talked about generating patterns for three and four jugglers e.g. six-handed siteswaps. He also demoed how to do this using his app, Siteswap Generator
- How to teach club passing Ofek shared his approach to teaching club passing
- EJC workshop planning Ed started planning the workshops which the PassOut community will give at EJC
Four-handed siteswaps
- Cocktails Mees and Piet presented some very tasty siteswaps for us to sample
- Extending siteswaps Cameron and Brook demoed how to start with a short four-handed siteswap and gradually add throws. There were a variety of (local) period 3 patterns to pick from and then period 5s where you already knew the first 3 throws and then period 7s where you already knew the first 5 throws and then...
- Extending classic siteswaps In the "extending siteswaps" workshop Ed asked if you could extend classic siteswaps instead of random period 6s and Cameron thought this was such a good idea that he ran another extension workshop the next day with classic patterns code available for extending patterns:
Manipulator patterns
- 3-cylinder Jenny, Juli, Dada and Kathi taught us this nice little pattern with 4 people (3 jugglers and one manipulator), where the feeder does not walk and remains the feeder. The manipulation sequence is the same as in the scrambled variation wankle engine (Ic Ca Sc).The original idea was to cross wankle engine, but leaving out the walking and juggle in a triangle, as this is also possible in this scrambled variation. Funnily enough this results in the isolation of the feeder, which turns the pattern to an accessible pattern for people with mobility issues or simply do not like to walk.
- Dolby söround Kathi and Jenny reminded us of this classic pattern. 10 minutes before the workshop, Sören arrived for the day. He was really happy, that so many passers are still interested in his pattern, which he invented in 2008.
- Dumber ways to die Uwe, Ruth, Andreas, Psycho and Kathi showed us this cool pattern. ‘Dumb ways to die’ is a 4 person manipulator pattern invented by Ed in 2022 that is based on the civil war feed.At the Freiburg Convention 2024 it was time to fill the "hole" in front of position B. Psycho and Kathi added a second manipulator.
- Muckabout Ed, Marija, Nami, Juli and Cameron reminded us of this classic pattern for 5 people where one manipulator is doing 6-count roundabout right handed and the other is doing it left handed
- Homeworkabout After the successful workshop during PassOut 22/23 in Sweden about the "best period 6 siteswap you’ve ever seen", the idea came up: how would it feel to "about" a period 6 siteswap? Piet, Mees and Evl did some experimenting and came up with 788526-about. To make the workshop accessible they assigned homework to learn 788526 in pairs so that the workshop could focus on the "about" part. Because of this they called the pattern homework-about
- Arsch Doreen, Tine, FLo, Jochen and Lukas presented this cool manipulator pattern from the past. The pattern was first developed circa 2001 and was performed on the Berlin 2004 open stage by Jochen, Jochen, Florian, Florian and Jörg (see the linked video)
- Tarim's runaway Ed, Ross, Uwe and Brook gave us some top tips to get this classic feed to work. The key is to stand on the points of a hexagon!
- Hebrew Ofek taught us some Hebrew - תוֹדָה
- Zombie combat Cat and Brook taught us how to play zombie combat which was lots of fun
- Aerial Helen gave us a crash course in aerial at the beginning of the convention so that we could enjoy the equipment throughout the week
New Year´s Eve

Thanks Co for making the fire which lots of us celebrated the New Year around

We were split into two teams and had 45 minutes and 45 seconds to complete 45 challenges!

We had a lovely time celebrating New Year's Eve together, and only tried to kill each other briefly:


Virtual Show by Afghan Parwana Circus
Can you express yourself when no one wants to see you?
Yes, that’s a philosophical question. On the one hand: When no one sees you, you can do whatever you want. On the other hand: doesn’t expressing yourself require someone to be impressed?
For Rabia and Nazanin, the case is clear: In a country where women should not be seen or heard at all, they raise their voices by juggling performances and they protest Taliban rule by creating a place for children to play, laugh and learn juggling. They have a lot to show and they want to be seen.
This circus can exist only with our help. Visit their website at Parwana circus, consider donating equipment or money to them, invite them for a virtual show or join the Whatsapp Group to watch their progress

A very cool school project Show by Jule
Jule from Göttingen chose juggling as her school project for the whole last year. She set herself several goals. One of those was performing 100 catches of club juggling on a public stage. We are honored to have seen her final rehearsal and we are happy to support her!