This standard scrambled V is mirrored or as Ed calls it, flipped. All the passes and manipulation are on the left hand and we also walk in the 'wrong' direction. For fun, you can watch the video in mirrortube, it looks like a 'normal' Scrambled V, then. Juggled at PassOut 2014-2015 in Someren.
Club on Fire
The first and only fire juggling video of the first crew! Most passing patterns easily adapt to being juggled with fire clubs. Manipulation…not so easily.
Drop Mountain
Wandern in Oberstdorf ohne ein Jongliervideo – unmöglich!
Glücklicherweise wiegen Keulen nicht viel…
‘Minis’ Workshop EJC Millstreet 2014
At the EJC 2014 in Millstreet, Ireland, Anni and Tine gave a very nice workshop for ‘Minis’ – passing patterns with less than 3 clubs per person. There is a quite easy 4 club pattern for 2 people, 3p 2 2p 1 (“Benni”) which was also in the ‘Minis’ workshop at the 2014 Berlin convention. The second one is a much harder 5 club pattern for 2 people, 3p 1 2 4. For that one, I included 2 exercises in the video.
6 Clubs Shamrock
The most easy shamrock variations use only 5 clubs – or rather 4 clubs and a bottle 😉
This one has 6 clubs but is till fairly easy. Do I need to say it´s a drinking pattern, as well?
Floyd (extended)
One of our “drinking patterns” filmed the day it was adapted to the bottle by Juli from Ulm and Floyd from Bochum.
Jonglieren in Ulm in der Schweiz
In Februar 2014, some of us took a short skiing holiday in Switzerland – of course, we couldn’t stop ourselves from juggling. So we took a short juggling and holiday video!
MS Club Spirit Teaser
The very first video from the “” crew is a teaser for our new juggling show MS Club Spirit. The show focuses on modern club manipulation and prechac passing (“minis”) embedded in a cute and funny sailor´s theme.