James and Cameron taught a very nice 7 club “righty lefty” passing workshop at Berlin convention 2018. I especially enjoyed their way of marking the starting juggler with a crown in their pattern notation.
Mini “Hoschy”
Another nice mini. Juli and I invented this variation on a sunny day at the Goldstrand beach in Düsseldorf.
3p 1 1 2 3 2p “Stella”
This is one tough Mini! Stella and Juli learned the siteswap at the 2013 ejc in Toulouse in the “Minis”-workshop by Tine and Doreen. We couldn´t juggle it, of course. So we practised. And practised. And practised more. And then some. Stella went to Madagaskar. She came back. We practised. Stella went to Edinburgh. She came back – we did it! Finally! Yay!
3 1 1p 2 3p Variations “Oscar” & “Floyd”
One siteswap, 2 variations: standing face to face or side by side. Both can be “used” to share a bottle of beer!