You are here: Home » "Super easy" » 3 1 1p 2 3p Variations “Oscar” & “Floyd” 3 1 1p 2 3p Variations “Oscar” & “Floyd” 18th March 202230th May 2018 by Juli juggled @ Oberstdorf August 2014 Pattern type: prechac One siteswap, 2 variations: standing face to face or side by side. Both can be “used” to share a bottle of beer! Similar passing patterns:Holy Grail AboutGrosses ChaosRingelrumShare with your friends and juggle together! 6
There seems to be mistake in the notation of ‘Oscar’, it should be 3 1 1.5p 2 2.5p. The passes must have a .5 because the period of the pattern is uneven. Reply
There seems to be mistake in the notation of ‘Oscar’, it should be 3 1 1.5p 2 2.5p.
The passes must have a .5 because the period of the pattern is uneven.