Pass pass pass pass zip feeding 2 jugglers doing pass self pass heff zip, feeder doing straight passes, feedies cross passes.
Gino´s Manipulator
Juli aus Ulm mit Marian aus Mannheim und Maya und Christian aus der Schweiz in Frankreich auf der Glühweinconvention 2015.
Chop About
ChopAbout is a manipulation based on 4-count. In the base version in this video, the manipulator turns 2.5times in the middle – 4.5 rotations are possible…
La vache qui rit
La vache qui rit is a pattern by Turtur. It´s asymmetric and still both-handed. The clubs of each color always do the same. It´s fun and not too hard to juggle, provided none of the passers get stressed and speed up.
6 Clubs Shamrock
The most easy shamrock variations use only 5 clubs – or rather 4 clubs and a bottle 😉
This one has 6 clubs but is till fairly easy. Do I need to say it´s a drinking pattern, as well?