Cold Shoulder is a new pattern that copies the manipulation of the regular roundabout into a three count base pattern. After a bit of fooling around with different styles of manipulation we came up with a version that doesn’t have zips, therefore contains a magic club that is never thrown – the perfect attribute to make it a beer passing pattern, or in our case an ice cream passing pattern.
9 Club Roundabout
9 Club Roundabout is the classic pattern Roundabout with 2 clubs added. The base pattern is 8 club 2 count on doubles.
It was first juggled for a two rounds by Lukas, Adrian and Cameron at a juggling club in London but they didn’t film it. At the 2023 EJC they finally got two rounds on film.
The pattern was first proposed by Cameron. There is a trick in 8 club 2 count on doubles where you throw a right handed quad self and your partner responds with a right handed single self. Cameron realised you could use this to add two clubs to lots of the classic, right handed, manipulator patterns. This is similar to/inspired by the way Triolar (a juggling trio focused on club passing consisting of Liza, Anna and Ronja ) realised you could add one club to roundabout by throwing a triple self in 7 club 2 count on doubles.
Cameron has vague memories of trying some of the “simplified roundabout” patterns from how to steal from your friends with 2 clubs added at the 2019 EJC with Andy (and someone else presumably). He also remembers trying one transition of 9 club roundabout at the Krelingen passout with Becky and Jon. He also got a few transitions with Danny and Brook at a Bath Upchuck, probably in 2019.
966-about-on-socks is a 4-person passing pattern with 9 clubs, where every juggler should be able to pass 7 clubs in 3-count with double passes.
4-count Roundabout
On this years Aichtal Juggling Convention “Juggling Resort” Juli, Simon and I decided to give a Roundabout Workshop. We thought a lot of jugglers there would like this workshop.
Nicki´s 3-count Roundabout
Nicki invented this pattern several years ago and taught it around Göttingen. Now, as ambidextrous manipulations are becoming “en vogue”, he decided to advertise this one. It´s nice!