It is debatable whether Dolby 5.2 needs his own video – it is a very slight variant of Dolby 5.1. Still, check it out – it´s a lot less popular right now.
Dolby 5.1 mit Einzel- und Doppelgänger
Dolby 5.1 is a new one of Ed´s. As his shoulder damage prevents him from doing lots of right-handed singel passes, he invented a beginner´s pattern on 5-count: Dolby 5.1! Counting to 5 needs getting used to, but otherwise it´s great: ambidextrous and still not at all hard.
Nicki´s 3-count Roundabout
Nicki invented this pattern several years ago and taught it around Göttingen. Now, as ambidextrous manipulations are becoming “en vogue”, he decided to advertise this one. It´s nice!
10 clubs Bruno´s nightmare
Mission Impossible Workshop
“Takeouts or stealing patterns have been around for a long time already and are still very popular. Yet, working with even newly created takeout patterns feels like doing the same fourcount based patterns over and over again. We propose to break this stagnation by leveraging Prechac based patterns and make both passers and manipulators do …
For Christian it was absolutely clear he just had to juggle this pattern. I was sure against it as it is a right-left pattern and requires left handed ChopAbout (which I thought would be super hard).
Well, finally he convinced me to try and few hours of practice later, we took this video of a full round of ChopDolby. Next time, we should not go for super hard, we should go for impossible…
SM w/ Backdrop, Backcatch & Changeover (a.k.a. Batman)
Originally from the Biowup crew, we tried this combination of a Standard Manipulator and Changeover with a Backdrop and a Backcatch first at the ejc and finally managed to do it on the first night of PassOut. It´s a fun pattern to do and fancy to watch…