fcc is a 8-handed siteswap for 4 people, 8 hands and 13 clubs (^-^) Juggled by John, Jonathan, Tillman and Helena during SaarCon, Aug 2024.
Videos, notation and explanations of passing patterns.
Wiebke’s Waltz
Wiebke’s Waltz is a Phoenician Waltz inspired take out pattern on a walking pps feed (the same base pattern as zippy)
It was developed and presented at the 2023 coastless con along with variants in the “wedding waltz” family.
In the pattern, the carry and steal of the subsequent substitution are replaced with a ‘clink’, to toast the Happy couple. This is followed by a phoenetitian waltz turn for another substitute, and a phoenetitian waltz style intercept in preparation for the next clink.
Phoenician Quickstep
Phoenician Quickstep is a variation on Phoenician Waltz with an extra club! This pattern was first juggled by Helene, Adrian and Cameron at BJC 2024
Göttinger Opernball
Göttinger Opernball is a variation on Phoenician Waltz with 2 extra manipulators! This pattern is invented in Göttingen.
Sascha was a very nice surprise at ejc. He showed up at the “Passing & Drinking” Workshop and immediately asked whether we were interested to try a pattern. He had seen and memorized the pattern from the youtube video “Prechac with my Friends” by Danielfausto, but lacked partners to try it with.