Global: 852
J1(3)x: Heff Zip Zap
J2(3)ll: Zap Heff Zip
No magic, here.
Juggle together
Global: 75666
J1(3)x: Pass Self Self Zap Self
J2(3)ll: Zap Self Pass Self Self
J1 does crossing zaps – so he does strainght single passes! J2 does straight zaps, so he does crossing single passes.
Global: 525
J1(Nicki): Zap Zip Zap
J2(Juli): Zap Zap Zip
This workshop was taught at CoastCon 2016 by Brook and Nicki and focuses – surprise – on zaps. Zaps can be a bit tricky to throw and catch, but they are also great fun. This workshop is meant for jugglers who are already quite solid on passing and heffs and work on their zaps in …
This pattern was a part of the “Improving your zaps” workshop by Brook & Nicki. It is quite easy but more fun than 5 zaps 1-count…
The zap is magic. Unfortunately we took only super beautiful red clubs to the beach, though.
James and Cameron taught a very nice 7 club “righty lefty” passing workshop at Berlin convention 2018. I especially enjoyed their way of marking the starting juggler with a crown in their pattern notation.
Well. We felt we didn´t use our brains enough, so we combined pass pass self takeout “Phoenician Waltz” with 4-count Roundabout. Martin´s idea, Swisstian loves it and how did I get there???
This is one tough Mini! Stella and Juli learned the siteswap at the 2013 ejc in Toulouse in the “Minis”-workshop by Tine and Doreen. We couldn´t juggle it, of course. So we practised. And practised. And practised more. And then some. Stella went to Madagaskar. She came back. We practised. Stella went to Edinburgh. She came back – we did it! Finally! Yay!
There is a video of all these patterns, now, here!
Finally, another great Berlin summer convention with endless luxury breakfasts, a lake to swim, warm showers on the beach, a huge birthday party and an awesome gala show. There were several passing workshops Passing 7 clubs by James & Cameron Phoenician Waltz by Toto, Ruth, Uwe & Marie Champi by Andi, Hoschy & Juli Roundabout …