This siteswap has long been around – but now we finally took a nice video in the Bodensee
all new videos that should appear on the “home” page as a new pattern.
2p 1 variations with balls, clubs and penguins
2p 1 is one of the most basic and simple siteswaps – so it’s time to fool around!
2p 1 1 2 “Michel”
Michel was asking for a drinking pattern that could be passed with the pandemic still running strong – to each their own bottle now!
3-handed siteswaps
3-handed siteswaps are generated mostly the same way as 4-handed ones – just 1 hand always has a “0”. As 0 is an empty hand in siteswap, the hand with always 0 won’t do anything in the pattern. At the Israeli juggling convention in 2022, we had a very sad reason to develop the idea …
Easy 3 Clubs Warmup (1.5p)
A super easy warmup for beginner (club) jugglers who want to feel out clubs. No juggling skills required!
Crossed 3V
Yes, it is possible to combine crossed scrambleds. And it’s much more fun because you do all the parts of the pattern whilst the four-person patterns are a bit one-sided. Here you can see the combination of crossed V and crossed 3.
If you want to make it easier, you can go in the other direction instead of running around the feeder.
As in all the crossed scrambleds there is this one extra self to make the pattern ambidextrous.
Gare du Zap^2
Gare du Zap is the 6-handed siteswap a8999 (global), where you locally throw “pass self zap self self”. The pass (3.3 P) should be in the air a little bit longer than a self, the zap is just a little bit faster that a self (2.7 P).
Crossed 3
Jenny had the idea of a new twist on the classic Scrambled V patterns: The juggler walking over to change the feeder now walks through the pattern to the other side, instead of around the outside. In other words, B walks to stand by A’s right, not to A’s left.
Der eilige Wanderwaschbär (The hasting hiking racoon)
On the passing Con in Göttingen, Lisa showed us a nice pattern from Austria (from Wolfgang Schebeczek). The pattern comes with the nice twist of throwing two clubs simultaneously, while the rest of the pattern stays asynchronous. The walking pattern follows the standard counterclockwise change.