Cold Shoulder is a new pattern that copies the manipulation of the regular roundabout into a three count base pattern. After a bit of fooling around with different styles of manipulation we came up with a version that doesn’t have zips, therefore contains a magic club that is never thrown – the perfect attribute to make it a beer passing pattern, or in our case an ice cream passing pattern.
Drinking patterns
The patterns from the all time favorite “Passing and Drinking” Workshop.
- Always try with a closed, plastic bottle, first.
- Leave out clubs or practise parts of the sequence.
- Juggle slowly. More slowly. The more slow you juggle, the more time you get to drink!
- Grab the bottle at the neck. Then transfer it grabbing the bottom. Put a finger under the bottle when you give it to your partner.
- Never drop or throw the bottle.
How to find these patterns? Look for patterns with “magic” clubs (clubs that always keep their sequence, not traveling through the whole pattern). Then, use the siteswap operator to give a magic club a sequence where it does not have to be thrown (no 3, no 5p, no 4) – 1, 2, 1p are the easiest numbers for this club. Try.
Clean your Clubs!
Playing around with the “Ice Cream Factory” that is “Ivy” on “V”, we noticed a “magic club” that is never thrown. Usually that means we´ll get the beer out, soon… Well, there being a pandemic on the go, we decided to not break all rules and drink from a single bottle but to rather clean our clubs before handing them to the next person. Enjoy!
Sascha was a very nice surprise at ejc. He showed up at the “Passing & Drinking” Workshop and immediately asked whether we were interested to try a pattern. He had seen and memorized the pattern from the youtube video “Prechac with my Friends” by Danielfausto, but lacked partners to try it with.
Stern mit Loch und Saufen oder auch Shoting Star
For Christmas, the very first JIU crew got together again and we finally did that one video I was looking forward to for about a year: the five point star with 4 people, a vacant space to run into and a table of shot glasses with rum in the middle. The German name is derived from the non-drinking pattern name “Stern mit Loch und Laufen” and the English name comes from the original “shooting star”. Cheers and Enjoy!
This pattern is the scrambled variation known as “B”. In Britain, it´s also known as the “Honey Bee” and the counting goes “Sun, rain, flowers” instead of “1,2,3”. During the carry you´d call “honey” and the bee follows the carry, buzzing. Well, the little bee got tired of all that “sun, rain and flowers” stuff – and as all clubs in the scrambleds are magic, at least here the carry can easily be a bottle and it is always neat if a juggler runs after a bottle, right? So, the little bee is now a cheerful alcoholic drinking to the health of its friends…
6 Clubs Shamrock
The most easy shamrock variations use only 5 clubs – or rather 4 clubs and a bottle 😉
This one has 6 clubs but is till fairly easy. Do I need to say it´s a drinking pattern, as well?