A pattern created in 2013 by Ed Clark, using Aidan notation.The base pattern is a 4 juggler static Y passed in 4-count. B is at the back (or foot) of the Y, D in the middle of the Y, A on the left of the Y (from the point of view of D and B) and C on the right.
There are 2 manipulators in this pattern who are dependent, as clubs are taken by one manipulator and replaced by the other.
Aidan notation for the pattern:
A ps|ss|ps|ss|ps|ss
B ps|ss|ps|ss|ps|ss
C ps|ss|ps|ss|ps|ss
D ps|ss|ps|ss|ps|ss
M1 cD| –|sA|iA|cA|— becomes M2
M2 sC|iC|cD|iD|cB|iB becomes M1
M1 starts back to back with D facing B
M2 stands in front of C facing C
The passers start with a ps and then the manipulators begin on ss. The manipulators start on the last instruction at ss as it is written above (M1 –, M2 iB)
When M1 reaches the end of the instructions, M1 becomes M2 (having reached the physical location of M2 at the start of the M2 instructions). Similarly M2 becomes M1.
Y You Follow Me World Record <– Please go to JTV for Flash/HD/Download