STAR – you follow me?!
Another new pattern – don´t know where it comes from, actually. It´s not Ed´s, this time, so I don´t have the notation either. The base pattern is a 4 person shooting star in 4count and with only 10 clubs. Before runnig, each juggler passes until having only 1 (not 2) clubs left, then runs …
Why you follow me
A pattern created in 2013 by Ed Clark, using Aidan notation.The base pattern is a 4 juggler static Y passed in 4-count. B is at the back (or foot) of the Y, D in the middle of the Y, A on the left of the Y (from the point of view of D and B) …
55244 (PSPSS CK#1)
Martin and me got a little crazy at the Super Juggling convention and are now planning to juggle and tape some patterns from Christian Kästner´s compatible siteswaps list. As far as we can, anyway. Here´s our first – an easy 4 club one to practise zaps and flips. And yes, that´s Martin at the guitar. …
The Highgate Collection
The great book of passing patterns for 2-4 people, compiled by Aidan Burns. This book explains patterns in ladder diagrams as well as in plain text and includes more drawings for complicated patterns.
The Madison Area Jugglers Pattern Book V3
A collection of patterns for intermediate to advanced passers.
Takeouts “How to steal from your friends”
This guide by Aidan Burns explains takeout patterns for three to six people – from standard patterns like “Roundabout” to complicated things.