Cold Shoulder is a new pattern that copies the manipulation of the regular roundabout into a three count base pattern. After a bit of fooling around with different styles of manipulation we came up with a version that doesn’t have zips, therefore contains a magic club that is never thrown – the perfect attribute to make it a beer passing pattern, or in our case an ice cream passing pattern.
Videos, notation and explanations of passing patterns.
We Will Rock You
A very short pattern that we accidentally created at the EJC 2024 while trying to create Ambled Mini Scrambleds, but we ended up arriving at something entirely different.
Crossed 3V
Yes, it is possible to combine crossed scrambleds. And it’s much more fun because you do all the parts of the pattern whilst the four-person patterns are a bit one-sided. Here you can see the combination of crossed V and crossed 3.
If you want to make it easier, you can go in the other direction instead of running around the feeder.
As in all the crossed scrambleds there is this one extra self to make the pattern ambidextrous.
Crossed 3
Jenny had the idea of a new twist on the classic Scrambled V patterns: The juggler walking over to change the feeder now walks through the pattern to the other side, instead of around the outside. In other words, B walks to stand by A’s right, not to A’s left.
Crossed V
Jenny had the idea of a new twist on the classic Scrambled V patterns: The juggler walking over to change the feeder now walks through the pattern to the other side, instead of around the outside. In other words, B walks to stand by A’s right, not to A’s left.
Clean your Clubs!
Playing around with the “Ice Cream Factory” that is “Ivy” on “V”, we noticed a “magic club” that is never thrown. Usually that means we´ll get the beer out, soon… Well, there being a pandemic on the go, we decided to not break all rules and drink from a single bottle but to rather clean our clubs before handing them to the next person. Enjoy!
Sascha was a very nice surprise at ejc. He showed up at the “Passing & Drinking” Workshop and immediately asked whether we were interested to try a pattern. He had seen and memorized the pattern from the youtube video “Prechac with my Friends” by Danielfausto, but lacked partners to try it with.