Videos, notation and explanations of passing patterns.
This videos shows three patterns from the “Chopsticks” family of juggling patterns. They were invented by Cameron Ford.
Ambled Saibca
Lukas was just a tiny bit late to be in this video…
Anyway, the backflips are nice and they make the timing easy. Before juggling the full pattern, team up with your “backflip bro” and practise them!
A Walk in the Pattern
A walk in the pattern is a combination of scrambled sAiBcA and B (iBcBsA). This is a combination that was deemed “impossible” because both manipulators interact with B on beat 2 and with A on beat 3.
966777777 “Double BANANA”
A rather difficult but rather nice 7 club siteswap.
A nice synchronous 7 club passing pattern.